Update from CHA—Siem Reap Chapter

The CHA—Siem Reap Chapter has been following the Milk Scam that has been an ongoing issue. Information has expanded to include bright orange printing on TukTuks. Shinta Mani is providing marital communication and conflict resolution training for any CHA members. Please contact Christian de Boer direct if you have staff that are interested.

Update from CHACongratulations to all the team for surpassing CHA’s Red Cross appeal. This has been a hotel industry fund raising drive to raise USD $10,000 for the Red Cross.

The Sofiitel Waiter Race in July was a brilliant success. The enthusiasm which all the competitors got into the fun was amazing.

The challenge goes out to all non‐participants to join the fun next year—or come show your stuff at the Waiterthon to be held at the CAMFOOD CAMHOTEL event in October. Thanks to all the hotels and staff that participated in helping us meet our goal!

Speaking about challenges, the 1st Angkor Empire Full and Half Marathon will be run on the 17th of August. You can still register at http://angkorempiremarathon.org or on the day.


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