President’s message

An open letter from Mr. Sothea Hy, CHA president (June 2023 –)

president's message
Mr Hy Sothea – CHA national President

It is with great honour and enthusiasm that I address you today as the President of the Cambodia Hotel Association. I am humbled by the trust and confidence you have placed in me to lead this esteemed association dedicated to advancing Cambodia’s hospitality industry.

I stand before you with a deep sense of responsibility and commitment. The incredible opportunities that lie ahead of us in shaping the future of our nation’s hotel and tourism landscape are a source of great passion for me. Together, we embark on a journey fueled by innovation, collaboration, and a shared dedication to excellence.

Our industry has faced its share of challenges, yet it is within these challenges that we find opportunities for growth and transformation. I firmly believe that by uniting our strengths, leveraging our collective expertise, and embracing a culture of continuous improvement, we can overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success.

My vision for the Cambodia Hotel Association is one of inclusivity and progress. I am committed to amplifying the voices of our members, fostering an environment where your concerns, ideas, and aspirations are heard and acted upon.

Together, we will advocate for policies that nurture a thriving hospitality sector, support sustainable tourism practices, and elevate the standards of service and quality across the board.

I extend an invitation to each of you to actively engage with us, to share your insights, and to collaborate as we chart a course towards greater achievements. Your participation is invaluable in shaping the initiatives and strategies that will drive our association and industry forward.

As we stand on the cusp of a new chapter, I am inspired by the potential that lies within our collective determination and expertise. Let us work hand in hand, united by our passion for hospitality, to write a story of success that benefits not only our association but also the nation as a whole.

I am honoured to serve as your President and look forward to the journey ahead, filled with innovation, collaboration, and boundless opportunities.

With Warm Regards,
Mr. Sothea HY
President of CHA”

Former  CHA’s President, Mr Somethearith Din (July 2021 – June 2023)

Mr. Somethearith Din is a self-made Cambodian success story. His journey began with a Master’s degree in Urban Environmental Management from the prestigious Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand. This expertise fueled his work in urban development, architecture, housing, and human settlements for over a decade. But Mr. Din’s ambitions extended beyond technical expertise.

A natural entrepreneur, he embarked on a new chapter by founding the Frangipani Villa Hotel Chain. This pioneering venture held a special significance – it was Cambodia’s first proudly Cambodian-owned boutique hotel group. Mr. Din’s success didn’t stop there. He leveraged his vision and business acumen to develop the renowned Phumi Phka Trakoun resort project and Mongkul Villa township estate, demonstrating a remarkable ability to build thriving businesses with minimal investment.

Beyond his own ventures, Mr. Din actively contributed to the Cambodian business landscape. He served as President of the Cambodia Hotel Association (CHA) and Vice-President of the ASEAN Hotel and Restaurant Association (AHRA). Furthermore, his leadership extended to founding roles in the Cambodia Tourism Federation and the Young Entrepreneur Association of Cambodia. Mr. Din even became the first President of BNI Cambodia’s CEO Chapter. Currently, he shares his vast knowledge and experience as an honorable visiting lecturer at the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Centre, inspiring future generations of entrepreneurs.

Mr. Somethearith DIN,

President of CAmbodia Hotel Association (CHA),
Chairman of Forsee Group.

Former CHA’s president, Mrs. CLAIS Chenda (May 2019 – June 2021)

president's message

Dear CHA Members and Hospitality Colleagues,

Cambodia is a remarkable destination both for international and domestic visitors. One of the key opportunities that makes it the destination is the incredible diversity of the accommodation available. In fact, Cambodia offers choices from backpacking adventures to five-star-plus luxury experiences. Whether you prefer staying at one of our internationally award-winning hotels, visiting an eco-lodge, trekking to a highlands retreat, or playing on the shores of our World’s Best Beaches, Cambodia has something for everyone. And don’t forget the opportunity to experience the living history of the Angkor period complex in Siem Reap!

However, to truly solidify Cambodia’s position as the destination, we need to continue to strengthen, develop, and expand the ‘experiences’ we offer. A crucial part of this is the involvement of all hotels. We need to speak with one voice and collaborate on marketing opportunities for Cambodia.

By working together with the restaurant and chefs’ associations we can better represent Cambodia’s tourism interests to the world.

Furthermore, we need to continue to focus on training and developing our staff. Cambodia has taken a leading role in implementing the ASEAN Training Standards. This has created a solid platform to further enhance the professionalism of our dedicated staff.

Remember, working in the hospitality industry is a career, not just a job. It’s about providing exceptional experiences for visitors.

So, are you ready to join the CHA and help us move Cambodia into the future as the undisputed destination?

Mrs. CLAIS Chenda
Former President of the Cambodia Hotel Association

Owner, Terres Rouge Collection